Region 5 - North Central Sai Conference & Retreat (In-person)
Mark your calendars for September 2nd - 5th, 2022!
There will be amazing sessions with guest speakers, Br. Leslie Varkas & Sis. Creta Schiermann!
Many activities and opportunities to be inspired from!
Please check the Retreat website for detailed information about the registration, venue, activities and events.
The registration link is currently open on the retreat website!
Interested in Volunteering for the Retreat?
Sairam YAs of Region 5!! We’re planning the logistics for the Labor Day retreat. Please fill out the form attached so that we can plan accordingly.
Let’s all make this Swami’s event a huge huge success. Jai Sai Ram! ❤️
Upcoming Regional Events
Monthly Prema Vahini Satsang - July (Date TBD), 8 PM CST
Gather with fellow YAs to delve into Swami's stream of divine love. Dr. Suresh Govind gives practical insights on applying the divine text in our daily lives.
Monthly Meditation Session- July 20th, 7 PM CST
Join us for a blissful meditation session with Brother Allen and Sister Roseanne Levy.
Region 5 North Central Sai Conference and Retreat (In-person) - September 2nd - 5th, 2022
Look out for Registration!
Sri Sathya Sai Young Adults Program
The Sri Sathya Sai Young Adults (YA program) encourages individuals between the ages of 18 to 40 to lead purposeful lives in service of their families, communities, and countries by learning and practicing the spiritual principles revealed by the life, teachings, and work of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The primary objectives of the YA program are Character Development, Selfless Service, and Self-Realization.
Region 5 States: Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
The Region 5 Sai Family
“It is only the youth who are capable of protecting this world. It is the youth and youth alone who can set this world right. No nation can stand without youth. Sometimes, the elders underestimate the capabilities of the youth, thinking that they are inexperienced and young. But the youth are endowed with immense power. If they take a firm resolve, they are capable of achieving anything. If they realise their power, they can emancipate the nation.”
- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 39 p. 11 (2006).